Included with the April issue of the Mattachine REVIEW was a fund appeal letter giving details as to why the Mattachine Society had to raise at least $3000 at once. The results of that appeal, we must report, were anything but gratifying. To date this appeal has brought in $270.00 In the same period in. 1960, during our annual fund raising drive, contributions amounted to $2510. We wish to thank those who bave made. contributions and wish to appeal to those who have not made a contribution to do so at once. You may feel that it is calloused of us to be so frequently persistant in asking that you contribute, but friends, let us make it clear for you: The REVIEW is $2183 in debt at the present time. We cannot afford to produce this magazine for you much longer if we do not receive the extra funds needed to clear up this indebtedness, and support its future issues. Many persons cannot understand how a magazine could get so far behind and still profess to be a business enterprise. The simple truth is that the Mattachine REVIEW is produced wholly as a SERVICE to its readers, and at a financial loss which contributions must make up. The magazine is sold on newsstands only for the purpose of bringing to its readers important sexological information which will not be found elsewhere. Every single copy sold on newsstands loses money. We normally expect to lose about $100 per issue on the magazine, a loss that is justified by the SERVICE the magazine performs for the thousands who read it each month.


Therefore, do you wish to see this MOST VALUABLE SERVICE continued? Or do you wish to see the reign of "Puritan Terror," as described in the April issue, spread further throughout these United States' Friends of Mattachine, the answer to this question depends upon YOU and how far you dig down into your pockets to help. Our pockets are empty.

Sincere thanks,


Donald S. Lucas Business Manager

gest that Mattachine try to enlist the Mass achusetts Civil Liberties Union in the fight? They have a good reputation of vigor against tyranny. The U.S. Department of Justice ought also to be interested. One request: Are donations to Mattachine de ductible from U.S. Income tax?-Mr. P.K.,


REVIEW EDITOR: I am currently a sopho more at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. I am working on a thesis for an abnormal psychology course which I am takIng. My theme is "The Homosexual in America and His Opinion on Homosexuality." Naturally, this is a delicate and difficult Colorado. subject. Your firm was cited to me for its EDITOR'S NOTE: We deduct our donations publications on such matters. I have not every year. been able to obtain any copies in this area.

Could you please forward me any old cop. les which might be of interest to my partic ular thesis? I'realize the expense involved and will pay any bill forwarded me for the magazines.-Mr. J.M., Pennsylvania. REVIEW EDITOR: I was introduced to your publication, the Mattachino REVIEW, and I was absolutely enthralled by its content and, moreover, its existance. It has long long been a desire of mine to become acquainted with an organization of this kind and to offer any service I possibly could to its advancement. We are very much in need of such a program, and I cannot thank you onough for the efforts and accomplishments you have thus far achieved.

As a student and a homosexual, I have very often come into contact with many Individuals with difficulties similar to my own. It is Indeed a difficult and mentally burdensome task to make the adjustment to one's solf and his environment when placed in the precarious sociological position of the homosexual college student. Necessity dietates, as I am sure you are well aware, that we live a double life, one in which we are free to live and love in a way compatible to our own responsible evaluation of our noods. On the other hand, we must strive to become accomplished and worthwhile citizens in a world which, more times than not, is totally Intolerable towards the homosexual. It is my firm conviction that such Intolerance is the result not of willful maIlco towards others but of a natural fear which inevitably grows out of ignorance. The hallmark for which we are striving, It would seem to me, is to better Infor both the public and the homosexual in order that both might come into a better understanding of a situation which is neither good nor bad, Call fomia. but just is. Mr. J.P., REVIEW EDITOR: I am a college graduate, 24 years of age and homosexually Inclined. I would like to become a member of your organization, having read about your work in several articles pertaining to homosex uality. At the present time, I have a posl. tion as a teacher in the public school systom and work with both teenagers and adults. Since I have just recently moved from Bos ton to Ohio, I do not know any individuals who might be "homosexually inclined" as myself, here in this city. Could you give me any helpful, friendly information as to where I could go to meet those whose interasts are similar to mine?

I am very much interested in reading some of the literature pertaining to your Society, and what you are now doing to inform so called "normal" Individuals about the eve oryday problems of the homosexual.-Mr. D.J., Ohio.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sorry, we can supply only the literature you request.

REVIEW EDITOR: Sometime ago I heard the name of your association mentioned on radio station KPFK here in Los Angeles. From what hearl am very much interested. Mr. D.Z., Los Angeles.

REVIEW EDITOR: I have just road, in your February 1961 issue, the article entitled "The Soviet Fishermen" by Leo Vincent, which I thought most Interesting.

In support of his argument, he gives the examples of Martin and Miller In the United States, and Burgess and MacLean in Great


I am rather surprised, however, that Mr. Vincent should not have quoted the most outstanding example in this type of buclness in modom times, which is that of Alfred Redl, an officer of the General Staff in Vienna before World War I, the only differ ence being that the fishermen wore tsarist Instead of being soviet. It will be remembored that Colonel Redl committed culcido In May 1913 after having been found out by a mere fluke, Mr. E.B., Paris, Franco. REVIEW EDITOR: I first heard of the Mottachine'Society some years ago by way of a disparaging remark made by an acquaintance. Since that time the Society has been referred to an other occasions in both a complimentary and derogatory way. So per hapsitis time I found out for myself. There fore, I would appreciate any information you are able to provide regarding the details of membership and activities in the Bay Area. I am also enclosing my check for $5.00 for a subscription to the Mattachine REVIEW, which I have nervously purchased from time to time at various newsstands.. Mr. J.J., California.


REVIEW EDITOR: Starting with the enclosed check, will send five dollars each and ev ery month, with an extra amount whenever I can afford it. Mr. E.F., California, REVIEW EDITOR: Enclosed please find $10.00, a small contribution toward the $3000.00 you need. I can't afford this am ount at the moment-but I can't afford to do without Mattachine either, if the truth were known. Keep up your good work. I'll try to send more from time to time.—Mr. C.D., Colorado.

REVIEW EDITOR: I haven't received my April issue of Mattachine REVIEW. Friends in the area have had their issues for some time. If it ended up in the wrong box which isn't too unusual in our rural postal sys• tom, I hope it provided the recipients with some food for thought. Can you send me another?-Mr. H.S., Califomia,


mattachine REVIEW
